Don Andrea Ciucci


Presbitero della diocesi di Milano. Nato a Milano, dopo il Baccalaureato in Teologia presso la Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale, ha studiato filosofia all’Università Statale di Milano e ha conseguito la licenza in filosofia presso il Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo di Roma. Per più di vent’anni, in parrocchia e in diocesi, si è occupato prevalentemente di catechesi e pastorale giovanile, ambiti in cui ha pubblicato diversi articoli e contributi tra cui i progetti catechistici Buona Notizia e Buona Notizia Today, I Quattro Vangeli. Una buona notizia da leggere insieme (2008) e Le parole che voglio sentire (2011). Attualmente lavora al Pontificio Consiglio per la Famiglia, dove si occupa di comunicazione istituzionale, progetti culturali e grandi eventi. Insegna all’ISSR di Firenze eal Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II. Si diletta di gastronomia, con risultati discreti in cucina e in libreria (suoi il volume di antropologia Cibo che parla e i libri A tavola con Abramo, In cucina con i santi, Mangiare da Dio scritti con Paolo Sartor).
Presbyter of the diocese of Milan. Born in Milan. After graduating in Theology at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy, he studied philosophy at the State University of Milan and obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo in Rome. For more than twenty years, in the parish and in the diocese, he has mainly dealt with catechesis and youth ministry, areas in which he has published various articles and contributions including the catechetical projects Good News and Good News Today, The Four Gospels. Good news to read together (2008) and The words I want to hear (2011). He currently works at the Pontifical Council for the Family, where he deals with institutional communication, cultural projects and major events. He teaches “Sociology and pastoral care of the family” at the ISSR in Florence and is the owner of some columns in various Italian sector magazines. He delights in gastronomy, with discreet results in the kitchen and in the bookstore (his anthropology volume Food that speaks and the books At the table with Abraham, In the kitchen with the saints, Eating from God were written in collaboration with with Paolo Sartor).

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